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1.   在店內多處位置設有「消毒劑噴槍」供消毒店內設施(消毒劑不可直接噴向身體),客人如有需要可自行使用或向店員查詢。

2.   如閣下發現有在場人士患有皮膚病或懷疑傳染病,請立即保持距離,並記下對方手帶號碼後即時通知店員處理,舉報者可獲贈印花一個作為日後優惠。


Preventive Measures for "skin diseases and suspected infectious diseases"

People with skin diseases orsuspected infectious diseases are not allowed to enter.

If they are found orcomplained after entering the venue, the relevant people will be requested toleave immediately. The company reserves the right to pursue, thanks for your attention.

In order to protect you and build upa hygienic environment, we introduce two preventive measures as follow:

1.   "Disinfectant spray" areprovided in various places in the store to disinfect the facilities(disinfectant should not be sprayed directly on the body), customers can use itor ask the staff if necessary.

2.   If you find that anyone is sufferingfrom skin disease or suspected infectious disease, please keep a distanceimmediately, and mark down the locker number of that person and notify thestaff immediately. Those who report will get a stamp as a discount in future.

The company reserves the right offinal decision making.

See You Under The BIG TOP !!!