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Policy of Using Personal Data




我們謹此告知「個人資料(私隱) 條例」已對使用個人資料作直接促銷作出修訂,有關修訂亦已經生效。惟新措施並不適用於我們於新措施生效前已使用之個人資料。藉此通知閣下,我們有意繼續使用閣下之個人資料作直接促銷用途。然而,閣下之個人資料亦將繼續予以保密,並不會對外發放。

倘若閣下不欲接收我們的宣傳推廣,請致電2628 6196或以電郵至bigtop.hongkong@gmail.com 聯絡我們客戶服務部。

BIG TOP Gym & Yoga 謹啟



Dear Valued Customer

Policy of Using Personal Data

 Thank you for your continued support to us. 

We write to inform you that there are changes to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance relating to the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes. However, these changes will not apply to personal data that we have been using before they come into effect. We take this opportunity to let you know that we intend to continue to use your personal data for direct marketing. We will continue to keep confidential of your personal data and would not let others know.

 If at any time you no longer wish to receive such marketing information, please write to our Customer Services Department bigtop.hongkong@gmail.com or by phone 2628 6196.

 Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully

BIG TOP Gym & Yoga

See You Under The BIG TOP !!!