關懷愛滋 @ BIG TOP 免費快速測試AIDS Concern Free Test
「關懷愛滋 @ BIG TOP」免費測試
- 愛滋病 及梅毒 抗體測試
- 淋病 及衣原體 尿液測試
時間︰下午4:30 – 7:30
地點︰BIG TOP Gym & Sauna 場內
- 愛滋病及梅毒抗體測試只能反映空窗期之前的身體狀況。
- 淋病及衣原體尿液測試進行一小時前不能小便,以確保化驗結果。
- 活動如有更改,均以主辦單位「關懷愛滋」公佈為準,在此不作另行通知。
「AIDS Concern @ BIG TOP」 Free Health Check
AIDS Concern provides free health check service at BIG TOP on a regular basis:
- HIV and Syphilis Antibody Rapid Test
- Urine Testing for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Date : Every 2nd and 4th Friday of each month
Time : 4:30 – 7:30 pm
Location : BIG TOP Gym & Sauna
Enquiry: 2628-6196
- HIV & Syphilis testing can only reflect the physical condition before the window period.
- To have an accurate result from Gonorrhea & Chlamydia test, urinate is not recommended an hour before test.
- Activities are subject to change without prior notice.